Delivering excellence since 2004, SLE are the industry leader in basement packages and environmental remediation.

Servicing Australia wide

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Retain Your Future

Victoria’s leading basement package and environmental remediation specialist

Since 2004, SLE are the contractor of choice for the highest Tier clients who demand excellence in all aspects of delivery. SLE contribute to delivering many of Melbourne’s keystone projects and are proud to support the construction of social housing and development of community spaces. SLE have successfully delivered 100’s of basements from single level medium density residential to multiple level construction on some the largest constructed high-rise basements. We share our sites with multiple subcontractors as part of our builds and are experts in Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS), we excel at the complex management of contractors and operations on all sites.

Our service offerings encompass all aspects of basement packages and environmental remediation on all sites.

The following projects showcase our most recent completed projects which combine our package-based service offerings.
